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La máscara de terapia LED combina tres tipos de luz para mejorar la salud de la piel: luz azul para tratar el acné, luz amarilla para rejuvenecer y mejorar la elasticidad, y luz roja e infrarroja para regenerar las capas profundas de la piel.
Su diseño ergonómico y material de silicona líquida aseguran comodidad, mientras que su uso con principios activos potencia los resultados. Ideal para mejorar el tono de la piel, reducir arrugas y cicatrices, y combatir problemas como el acné.

Reliability and durability

Our products are designed to guarantee safety, they give you the peace of mind of working with cutting-edge products that will not fail you.

Latest generation products

Developed by local engineers, our products offer the best results.

Certified quality

They comply with the highest European standards, guaranteeing the safety and effectiveness of each treatment.

Proven results

Years of research support the effectiveness of our products in a wide range of facial, hair and body treatments.


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